Reckless Truth Now Available!

When they were children, their brother was stolen and their mother killed. Elyan and Lydia Moore have dedicated their lives to finding out what really happened that night, and where their brother was taken – but the truth will throw them into chaos they could never predict.

Combining science fantasy with interpersonal drama, Reckless Truth is a story of finding love and overcoming fear; about testing our deepest personal perceptions and learning to live and love beyond what is expected of us. It is about grief and trauma, and the different ways those things are processed and overcome — and the scars they leave with us forever.

Get your copy of this stirring first installment of the Truth Saga, now available on Amazon and Kobo Plus!

Upcoming Books

Bitter Truth

House of Magi

The Truth Saga #2 A Magiverse Story
Expected 2024 In Progress